12/6/09, The Venice Biennale 2009. A counter-critique of Art in America and "Art" in Venice.
10/12/09, Proverbs. Solomon's teachings take us into another critique of the avant garde, as well as of the ever-silent realists.
10/6/09, The AskMen 2009 List of Most Influential Men. A fictional poll topped by a fictional character.
9/12/09, The NEA should be Abolished.
8/31/09, The Possible Dangers of Sodium Laureth Sulfate, and the proven dangers of online propaganda.
8/31/09, In Praise of Mud. How to use browns and greys in your painting to create more depth and richness.
8/25/09, The Illogic of Atheism.
8/23/09, The Decline and Fall of Christopher Hitchens.
8/10/09, Tom Turtle Plays Beach Volleyball. The latest installment of the adventures of Tom Turtle.
8/10/09, 100 Best Films, an artist's list.
8/6/09, Dave Hickey, Provocateur, a new letter to the editor, mocking Dave Hickey and Dennis Hopper. Skip to bottom of the page.
8/6/09, Tom Turtle goes a'Golfing, the latest installment of Tom Turtle.
7/29/09, Futurism and Stuckism. I have petitioned Parliament to investigate the BBC, for propaganda in the arts section. If you are a UK citizen and would like to sign this petition, please contact me immediately.
7/18/09, The 100 Top Vocal Songs since 1950, yes, back on my list kick, but this time by request. Movies next.
7/15/09, The Business of Art, concerning propaganda from galleries to artists.
6/23/09, Jerry's Artarama has no customer service.
6/18/09, A Review of Bo Bartlett at Forum Gallery, including passing commentary on other artists at Forum and John Pence Gallery.
6/6/09, Poetry is not a Performance Art, a review of slam poetry.
6/3/09, Ragnar Kjartansson and "The End", commentary on today's NYTimes article.
5/17/09, Contra Dave Hickey, against the art critic.
5/17/09, More letters to the editor, Old and new letters added from my files, including two new ones about Dennis Hopper in Taos. Go to the bottom of the page for new postings.
5/7/09, Dennis Hopper: Double-Fake Artist, in which Hopper's exhibits at the Harwood in Taos are slammed.
5/4/09, The Futurists and the Stuckists, a BBC correspondent uses propaganda to tie the Stuckists to Futurism.
5/2/09, The Turner Prize, state-funded propaganda to subsidize the art market.
4/14/09, The 2008 ARC Salon. The second death of realism.
4/7/09, Top 50 TV Shows and Theme Songs. No, Seinfeld is not #1. Sorry Jerry, the theme song really hurt you.
3/28/09, Askmen.com 49 Most Influential Men of 2008. I'm pissed that the Cookie Monster didn't make it, and raise hell.
3/26/09, On Balls and James Joyce, a critique of Ulysses, the Modern Library list of novels, and modern fiction in general.
3/25/09, Sif & Trelawney, a twice-told faerie tale in three parts, illustrated.
3/14/09, The 75 Greatest Books Ever Written, OK, maybe not, but a better list than that of Esquire.
2/22/09, The Return of Tom Turtle, in which Tom helps you deal with unwanted phone calls.
2/20/09, New Poem, Asterië.
2/17/09, Tom Waits, casualty of cool.
2/15/09, On Elizabeth Gilbert, including a critique of the TED conferences.
2/2/09, A Few Real Secrets of Drawing, and other thoughts.
2/1/09, A Return to the Hockney-Falco Thesis. In which I attack both sides, including David Stork.
1/14/09, The Holeness of Jasper Johns. A counter-review of the current New York Times review.
1/13/09, Philip Pearlstein and the plastic nude. A counter-review of the current New York Times review.