go to homepage return to WRITINGS page 2011 12/26/11, Standing is not Standing. Appeals court denies standing to those who have standing. 12/7/11, The Mainstream Media piles on Sheriff Arpaio. The controlled media is ordered to attack a man for launching an investigation, and they all say, "OK!" 11/27/11, The Brave New World of Stephen Hawking. I link you to my science site for this one. No equations, don't worry. 11/7/11, Modern Art as a Market Derivative or Credit/Default Swap. I show that Modern Art is a derivative with no underlying asset. 11/3/11, The Chapman Bros., Goya, and the Critics, where I say what no one else is saying. 10/31/11, Adam Gopnik and Jacob Collins, a review of Gopnik's "review" in the New Yorker. 10/29/11, Philippe de Montebello, where we take a closer look at his tenure at the Metropolitan Museum. 10/27/11, The Mona Lisa Curse, in which we look at Robert Hughes' 2008 film. 10/27/11, Robert Hughes and the Royal Academy, in which I thank Hughes for coming over to our side, and recommend he come a bit further. 10/27/11, Boycott the Outwin Boochever, I have just added a long addendum, after hearing from the director of the NPG. 10/24/11, Boycott the Outwin Boochever, for continuing to pander to the postmodern crowd. 10/6/11, The Place of Technique in Art, a response to Dan Gerhartz. 10/4/11, Occupying Wall Street. Won't matter if people continue to vote like sheep. 9/23/11, A Review of the 2011 Threadneedle Prize. Plus bonus material, as usual. 9/9/11, How This Election is already being Stolen. Manipulation of information. 8/27/11, Soft Machines. A review of the current exhibition at Pace Gallery, New York. 8/15/11, The Rise of Corporate Art. The continuing evisceration of realism by realists. 8/8/11, Why I don't exhibit in Taos. A critique of the galleries and of the Taos Fall Arts Festival. 8/8/11, Where do your Taxes Go? The rich just looted your country and your bank account. 8/8/11, Why Ebay will Fail. No seller support. 5/28/11, The First Amendment is not Dead. Long live the First Amendment! 5/14/11, Fake Bankruptcy. A review of the movie "Inside Job," which won the Oscar for best documentary this year. 5/3/11, The Ultimate Fake Person Award. Mark Zuckerberg, CIA creation. 5/1/11, 911 Truth and Obama's Birth. Get ready, the future arrived this week. 4/28/11, Kathleen Gilje at Francis Naumann Gallery. Deconstructing the left. 4/7/11, Tom Turtle on the question of cats. In which strange and eccentric things are intimated. 4/7/11, Tom Turtle takes a yoga class, narrowly avoiding a rupture. 3/25/11, Clive Bell and Formalism. A counter-critique of his book Art, from 1913. This counter-critique might be called Whistler versus the Post-Impressionists. |