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NEW PAPER, added 12/31/12, Dear Mainstream Media. An open letter to the MSM, and those controlling it. PAPERS UPDATED, 11/9/12: I just updated the two previous papers, based on the new supermajority in the California legislature. The Democrats endorsed GMO labeling and they now have a supermajority. What is to stop them from passing a law requiring labeling? Nothing! NEW PAPER, added 11/7/12, The 2012 Election was a Complete Fraud from top to bottom. An extended computer hack, televised. NEW PAPER, added 10/26/12, The Vote for Proposition 37 will be Stolen. Get ready for it. NEW PAPER, added 10/8/12, A Logical Proposal. Concerning the upcoming election. NEW PAPER, added 9/18/12, The Future of Poetry. Signs of hope on the horizon. NEW POEM, added 9/8/12, New poem La Pucelle. About Joan of Arc. A terza rima, with annotation. NEW PAPER, added 8/29/12, The Health Emergency. Time to get in control of your food and water now. NEW PAPER, added 8/15/12, A Brief Review of Eric Fischl at PAFA. How to sell form over content, by simply saying it is content over form. NEW PAPER, added 8/12/12, The 2012 ARC Salon. My favorites from the new Salon. NEW PAPER, added 8/11/12, The Destruction of the Artist. The Chuck Connelly story. My analysis of the documentary. NEW PAPER, added 8/8/12, Blue Sky sodas are not Natural. Unless you think GMO beet sugar is natural. PRESS RELEASE, added 8/07/12, Artist Moonlights as Physicist. My paper on plate tectonics is being published by the scientific journal AIG. NEW PAPER, added 6/19/12, Prometheus Unwound. An in-depth review of the new movie Prometheus. NEW PAPER, added 6/10/12, The Silencing of Ron Paul. The spooks make another late-night visit. NEW PAPER, added 6/8/12, A Nation of Scabs. How the middle class allowed itself to be plundered. Including more analysis of the art market. NEW PAPER, added 6/8/12, The Death of Democracy. Proof from the Republican Primary votes that they can now steal elections that aren't even close. NEW PAPER, added 5/18/12, Breitbart proves Obama was born in Kenya. Obama's literary agency bio listed him born in Kenya from 1991 to 2007. PAPER UPDATE, added 4/28/12, Ron Paul just won Iowa! Paul has now won Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Washington, Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Nevada, and Louisiana. NEW, added 4/24/12, Ron Paul just won Iowa! The Revolution started today. NEW, added 4/9/12, A letter from Occupy Wall Street to the Whitney Biennial. I reprint this letter, for your edification. NEW, added 4/9/12, Why the Trayvon Martin Case is not what it seems. Another government psy-op, fomenting new race wars. NEW, added 4/2/12, My Own Little Salon. I find some gems of new realism on the web, and say nice things for a change. NEW, added 3/15/12, Why I don't read the Mainstream Press: today's example—Rolling Stone. Matt Taibbi exposes himself on 911, etc. NEW, added 3/11/12, The Write-in Vote is Crucial. The loss of the write-in is the loss of democracy. NEW, added 2/25/12, On Meyer Schapiro. Another counter-critique of 20th century propaganda. NEW, added 1/22/12, Fake Election News. CNN and CBS post fake delegate totals.
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